The nine remaining teams continue in the third leg of the race. Leaving the relative familiarity of Europe, the teams now must travel to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, in west Africa. Christina continues to have issues with her obstinate father. Lorena suffers a breakdown during a Roadblock involving camels.
12 - 1Donkeys Have Souls, Too November 04, 2007
12 - 2I’ve Become the Archie Bunker of the Home November 11, 2007
12 - 3Please, Lord, Give Me Milk! November 18, 2007
12 - 4Let's Name Our Chicken Phil November 25, 2007
12 - 5We've Really Burned Bridges, For Sure December 02, 2007
12 - 6Cherry on Top of the Sundae that's Already Melted December 09, 2007
12 - 7This is Forever, Now December 23, 2007
12 - 8Honestly, They Have Witch Powers or Something! December 30, 2007
12 - 9I Just Hope He Doesn't Croak On Us January 06, 2008
12 - 10Sorry, Guys, 'I'm Not Happy to See You' January 13, 2008
12 - 11The Final Push January 20, 2008