The teams travel from Cancun to Scotland by planes, buses, bikes and more. Derek and Drew, despite fierce competition to to catch up to them, remain in first place, while Dennis and Andrew are eliminated from the race, despite using the Fast Forward.
3 - 1What If Our Parachute Doesn't Open? October 02, 2002
3 - 2This Seems Like The Path Straight to Hell! October 09, 2002
3 - 3You Always Just Forget About Me! October 16, 2002
3 - 4Did You See How I Stopped It? With My Face October 23, 2002
3 - 5What Happens If I Slip? Am I Just Hanging Off a Cliff? October 30, 2002
3 - 6I'm a Much Better Liar Than You Are November 13, 2002
3 - 7I'm Supposed to be Indebted to Her for the Rest of the Race?! November 20, 2002
3 - 8This Is More Important Than Your Pants Falling Down! November 27, 2002
3 - 9Why Did You Have to Take Your Pants Off?! December 04, 2002
3 - 10Don't Try to Play the Moralist Now! December 11, 2002
3 - 11They're Slithering to the Finish Line Like the Rest of Us! December 18, 2002