After completing a task at the Olympic Stadium in Finland, the teams receive a clue that eventually leads them to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Once there, they drive fifty miles in local cars to the Oster Tank School and complete a Roadblock. Teams are next directed to an apartment building, back 43 miles in Kiev, where they must find Apartment 33 and knock on the door. They then receive a clue featuring a very musical Detour. As time gets short, Lyn and Karlyn decide to break away from the other two members of the former "Six Pack" alliance --- Erwin and Godwin. The teams ultimately travel to the Pit Stop, The Great Patriotic War Museum, where another team is eliminated, leaving only four remaining.
10 - 1Real Fast! Quack, Quack! September 17, 2006
10 - 2Can Horses Smell Fear? September 24, 2006
10 - 3Oh Wow, It's like One of Those Things You See on TV! October 01, 2006
10 - 4I Know Phil, Little Ol' Gorgeous Thing! October 08, 2006
10 - 5I Covered His Mouth, Oh My Gosh! October 15, 2006
10 - 6
10 - 7I Wonder If This Is Going to Make My Fingers Pickle October 29, 2006
10 - 8He Can't Swim, But He Can Eat Cow Lips! November 05, 2006
10 - 9Being Polite Sucks Sometimes November 12, 2006
10 - 10Lookin' Like A Blue-Haired Lady On A Sunday Drive November 19, 2006
10 - 11We Just Won't Die, Like Roaches November 26, 2006
10 - 12Dude, I'm Such a Hot Giant Chick Right Now! December 03, 2006
10 - 13Say Your Deepest Prayers Ever December 10, 2006