In July 1982, a 42-year-old addict in a San Jose, California jail became paralyzed—unable to move or talk. His symptoms, caused by a bad batch of synthetic heroin, were indistinguishable from those associated with Parkinson's disease, a degenerative nerve disorder that strikes the elderly. NOVA traces the story of a "designer" drug which could lead to a major medical breakthrough.
13 - 1Halley's Comet: Once in a Lifetime January 21, 1986
13 - 2Goddess of the Earth January 28, 1986
13 - 3Horsemen of China February 04, 1986
13 - 4Life's First Feelings February 11, 1986
13 - 5The Case of the Frozen Addict February 18, 1986
13 - 6Toxic Trials February 25, 1986
13 - 7Skydive to the Rain Forest March 04, 1986
13 - 8Return of the Osprey March 11, 1986
13 - 9The Rise of a Wonder Drug March 18, 1986
13 - 10When Wonder Drugs Don't Work March 25, 1986
13 - 11Visions of Star Wars April 22, 1986
13 - 12The Search for the Disappeared October 14, 1986
13 - 13The Planet that Got Knocked on its Side October 21, 1986
13 - 14High-Tech Babies November 04, 1986
13 - 15Can AIDS Be Stopped? November 11, 1986
13 - 16Is Anybody Out There? November 18, 1986
13 - 17Mystery of the Animal Pathfinders November 25, 1986
13 - 18Are You Swimming in a Sewer? December 02, 1986
13 - 19Sail Wars! December 09, 1986
13 - 20Leprosy Can Be Cured! December 16, 1986
13 - 21How Babies Get Made January 13, 1987